Mar 9, 2023Liked by Holly Becker / Decor8

This is so nice Holly, it reminds me of my Moroccan trip too, so much Wonderfull and toned down design in the riads. Thanks for bringing up the memories.

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You're welcome and thanks for stopping by to comment - makes me happy!

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Mar 9, 2023Liked by Holly Becker / Decor8

As an Interiors company, in 2021 we were commissioned to design and install 3 x Moroccan bathrooms. Two of those the client wanted to have done along traditional Moroccan style, colour and textures - bold and patterned. It was quite a challenge mind you, getting that true flavour coming through with a mix of patterns. But we did it and our client is thrilled to bits and so are we. Clearly that is not every person's cuppa tea. That is why I think that this play on the more subdued tones, natural textures and colour palette, whilst still keeping with all the patterns and style associated with Moroccan is really cool. Could have a much larger market appeal. Really enamoured with this view presented here. Thanks Holly.

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Thank you Rose, yes I am a fan more of the subdued as well. I can't go bold at home, it's too much of a commitment to me and honestly, I am not sure if I installed a teal or red tiled bathroom or green kitchen if I'd like it in a year, you know? I tend to go very neutral in my foundational elements and if I want color, it almost finds itself showing up through flowers, books, pillows - but very organically - like I see something that resonates and I bring it home and because my base is neutral, everything works... I also think bold color works for some and not for others based on neurological profile and overall personality styles... Personally, my mind is always on and pinging with ideas and information that I need what I see to be less stimulating and more relaxing...

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HI again - OMG Holly that is such an amazing response about why neutrals are your foundations. So appreciate the time you took to highlight this. I'm guessing that the same could be said for a great many people in this world where information overload is common place. From a more personal viewpoint, I am one for colour. I guess that is why it is easy for me to take on a commission where bold colour and pattern are needed. It takes years to get to a place where it can be done with discretion. Take care.

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Thank you Rose, comment and stop by anytime!!!

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will do.

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I thought I was full #teamcolor, but those neutrals 😍

Morocco is so high on my travel list

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Yes, I'm thinking to return again - it's been over 10 years since I was last there, I was different person a decade ago in many ways, it would be fun to explore it all again.

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Morocco - definitely on my bucket list for destinations. LOVE the design elements you've showcased here :)

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Yes, I agree - I like this too... When I was in Morocco in 2010, I remember loving it but most everything was very colorful and patterned, like out of this world colorful, and it wouldn't fit into my 1901 old German apartment so I returned with very little in way of shopping compared to my students on the trip who really scooped up many colorful treasures. I did love the Berber black and cream rugs (Beni Ouarain) that I saw so I bought a vintage one off of eBay in 2013 and it's still in my home 10 years later.

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What I wanted to say above but hit "post" too soon... That 13 years later, the souks are filled with color still (of course) but there are many that have muted or very minimalist things too so there is more variety for those who just want very laid back interiors without a lot of bold color. So if you go to Morocco today, it's much different from when I went 13 years ago and also the hotels have more options - you can find many of these minimalist riads as well. I want to return!!!!!

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