Hi Holly, I just voted on your polls! The Photography course sounds amazing, so I'm very curious to find more about that. When will you launch these courses? Love, Inge

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Starting in October!!! :) Also, I'll send you your gift card for participating, your feedback means so much to me. Check your DMs here on Substack for that.

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Sep 2Liked by Holly Becker / Decor8

I love the sound of all of these courses.

Thank you

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Check your DM for the gift card and thank you!!!!

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Sep 2Liked by Holly Becker / Decor8

All 3 sound great, but I'm particularly excited about the photography one!

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Thank you Laura!!! Check your direct messages here on Substack for your gift card as my little thank you. ;)

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Sep 2Liked by Holly Becker / Decor8

Holly, they all sound interesting. I voted for social media, since marketing has to be my current priority . I now have a clear focus and target market, so to have a strategy and campaign to reach them would be ideal. All the best with the preparations. Karen

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Thank you for this feedback, look in your substack direct messages for your gift card as my thank you for helping out here. :)

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Sep 2Liked by Holly Becker / Decor8

Voted! The photography class appeals most to me right now.

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Oh how great - thank you!!!! Check your Substack direct messages for a gift card from me. :)

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Sep 2Liked by Holly Becker / Decor8

Hi Holly

Both the Social Media and Mood Board Magic courses sound fantastic. I would definitely be interested in taking them if they go ahead.

Thanks Michelle

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Thank you Michelle, I'm excited to hear this! Check your Substack messages for a little something from me. :)

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Sep 2Liked by Holly Becker / Decor8

They do all sound inviting! Photography comes first, then I'd look at the others.

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Thank you Corrine - check your Substack messages for a gift card to thank you for your help!

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Sep 2Liked by Holly Becker / Decor8

I really like the social media course. I still find it so hard to find my groove and place with social media

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I totally understand this Rena, you are NOT alone. I'll send you a gift card in your Substack message box to thank you for your feedback and time. :)

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Sep 2Liked by Holly Becker / Decor8

Ok —thank you Holly good luck with surveys !

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Sep 2Liked by Holly Becker / Decor8

Hi Holly,

All set. The social media and mood boards are my top priorities right now. Can’t wait!

Thanks, Natasha

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What particular things do you need to learn re: social media? Any particular app you use or content creation, etc.? P.S. Gift card in your Substack message box. :)

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Sep 3Liked by Holly Becker / Decor8

I use Plann app to schedule social media. I have a problem with consistency and finding my “aesthetic “ for social media. I hate showing my face/phot and video.

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Ok I get it, totally. Showing up on video is hard and also in photos. I think the best starting point is what is your business/service and is showing up in these ways necessary? What do you think? What do you do?

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I have a blog I want to start. And I’m also starting a digital magazine.

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Sep 2Liked by Holly Becker / Decor8

Done! Always love your courses Holly! 😊

Susan Park

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Thank you so much!!!

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Sep 2Liked by Holly Becker / Decor8

I vote for a Forum, however I am open to both Substack or Circle.

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Yes, me too! I just found out that Teachable has a forum/community now - I don't know what it looks like though, but I'm very curious... I may give up Payhip as I don't like the platform after some of my experiences there and the very slow progress as far as the site dev goes - so I may return to Teachable now that they have a community integrated - and I loved the community I once had in my Blogging Your Way classes on my custom site we built - it was SO exciting to be the forum with my wonderful students and mingle!!!! I made friends for life in those courses.

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I just sent over your gift card, check your Substack messages. :)

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Sep 2Liked by Holly Becker / Decor8

Hi Holly, they all sound fun and inspiring! The social media one especially.

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Thank you Annie!!! I'll send you your gift card, please look at your Substack direct messages. ;)

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Sep 2Liked by Holly Becker / Decor8

Looking forward to signing up for these

Courses! 🙂

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This is so nice to hear - I’ll send over your gift card via Substack messages.

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Sep 2Liked by Holly Becker / Decor8

I voted for the SocMed reset but I'm maybe leaning more towards the photography one.. Your teaching style is really soft and easy to follow. And I like your photos!

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Thank you so much, this feedback is incredibly helpful - check your Substack messages for a gift card from me for this help - I truly value it so much. :)

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Hi Holly! I voted for the photography course. I’m perpetually frustrated with my business brand photos looking unoriginal & not evoking much emotion😀🙌.

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Hello Brenda, I can help with that for sure. I totally understand your frustration. I'll send you a gift card for this feedback -check your Substack direct messages for that. Also, it's nice to see you here on Substack. :)

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Hi Holly, I just voted. Amazing what you‘ve created on courses the last month/years. I always enjoyed taking a class, Love Barbara

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You are lovely Barbara and always so supportive, thank you - it means so much and I love seeing you here on Substack! I'll send you a gift card in your Substack direct messages, so watch out for that. Maybe you can use it if you find an offering you like once the classes are ready!

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